

To enrol, please download enrolment form below, print and complete form in full and post or scan to us or you can register online by clicking on the Register Online button below.  You can also visit or contact us for further assistance and guidance.



The cost quoted for the theory courses includes all reference books, workbooks, lectures, computer based training, trial examinations and one examination fee per subject. Should a candidate not pass an examination, an additional minimum examination fee per exam will be payable. The student may incur a revision fee per week of in-class revision required to pass a previously attempted exam.


All flying and theory training must be paid in advance. Payment plans for the balance of any remaining tuition fees can be tailored to the individual’s requirements. Students wishing to reserve a position on future courses are required to pay a non-refundable deposit to confirm their position. Prior to commencement of their course all students will be required to pay a minimum amount equivalent to a third (1/3) of the total course cost. Advance Aviation Training (Fiji) Ltd can supply supporting letters as required for scholarships,loan applications etc.


The minimum qualifications are a pass in English and Mathematics (FSLC). Physics is not essential but may be an advantage. The Airlines generally need a minimum of 6th form in the above subjects.

The school also conducts an aptitude test for each candidate prior to accepting their enrolment. This takes approximately 90 minutes and bookings are essential.


The minimum age for flying training is 17 years


All candidates must undertake an Aircrew Medical with a CAAF approved doctor. The following doctors are approved:

NADI TOWN Dr Raju Phone 6700240
NADI AIRPORT Dr Goundar Phone 6726055
SUVA Dr Bakani Phone 3301911
NAMAKA Dr. Isireli Phone 6725707

The medical standard is a Class I for CPL and Class II for PPL (ensure your Doctor writes in Class 1 & Class 2 expiry dates)


All students are required to obtain an Airport Security I.D. card from Airports Fiji Ltd (AFL). The school will arrange this for you. You must first request a Police Clearance, in writing, from your local police station. You will need only a Police Clearance along with the appropriate application fee. The student and/or team member of A.A.T. with the police report and application form (obtained and signed by A.A.T.) will then submit forms to AFL Security Department at Nadi International Airport. The security I.D. will then be issued. AFL will charge a fee for this.


A FTP is required before flying can commence. You will require:

  • Medical
  • Eye Test
  • Passport Photos x 6
  • Police Clearance
  • Application form (from the school or CAAF)

Before sitting any exams with CAAF under the PEXO exam system, the school must obtain for the student an ARN that is issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) of Australia.To enable us to do this you will need to supply the following:

  • Fiji Passport OR Birth Certificate


Students of A.A.T. are required to wear a uniform. The uniform consists of navy blue trousers (or Sulu) and a white shirt with epaulettes. Apparel maker, Master Tailors located in Martintaar (Nadi) can tailor make uniform shirts if required. Footwear should be black shoes or closed toe sandals.

To receive additional course information and current Course Fees please contact us to request student information and course fees.

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